Account opening details
Below is a list of documents that should be provided to support your application as well as some useful information.
2 PROOFS OF IDENTITY (per applicant)
Please choose two of the following documents:
- Copy of passport with signature
- Copy of driving licence
- Copy of carte nationale d’identité (for French nationals)
- Copy of Carte de Sejour
If you are married but still using your maiden name, please also provide a copy of your marriage certificate.
1 PROOF OF ADDRESS (per applicant)
Please choose one of the following documents:
- Copy of last P60 or Avis d'Imposition, HMRC or official government documentation.
- Copy of a Utility Bill - gas, electricity, water, fixed telephone or council tax (dated within the last 3 months unless billed annually).
- Insurance attestation confirming your address.
- A signed and dated letter from the person you are living with - stating that you are living with them, together with their proof of identification (passport or ID card) and proof of address as mentioned above.
Please note that proof of address documents should correspond to your fiscal address at the time of the account being opened. Contracts, means of payment and related codes will be sent to this address.
1 PROOF OF TAX STATUS "justificatif fiscal" (per applicant)
Please choose one of the following documents (dated within the last 12 months) :
- Avis d’imposition or copy of last submitted tax return
- P60
- HMRC tax calculation
- Government pension or benefits statement