Legal information

Legal information

The editor would like to bring to the attention of the users, the following points.

Conditions of use of the site

The site CA Britline is a hyperlink to information and services. The services and information presented on the site are to be used by internet users under the following conditions :

Customers of Credit Agricole Normandie (CA Britline)

Access is possible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week , except in the case of unforseen circumstances, third party intervention and/or necessary maintenance work to ensure correct functioning of the site. Access to the site is free, except from providing access and the telephone communications which are charged directly by the operators.

Use of the information services

The editor cannot guarantee to the user that no omission or error will arise in the information. It is the responsibility of the user to make judgement on the information available. Therefore, it is recommended to verify the informations obtained from the site before taking any decision.

Caisse régionale de Crédit Agricole Mutuel de Normandie

Head Office : 15, esplanade Brillaud-de-Laujardière - CS 25014 - 14050 CAEN CEDEX 4 - FRANCE

Crédit Agricole Britline
Tel : 00.33.(0)

Cooperative company with variable capital, registered as a credit institution - 478 834 930 RCS Caen - Insurance brokerage company registered under matricule Nr 07 022 868.
Inter-European VAT number: FR 83 478 834 930

CITEO unique identifier: FR234284_01MEMX

Crédit Agricole Britline is a member of the Guaranteed Fund for deposits, the Guarantee of Investors warranties, and Guaranteed Fund for investors.

Holder of the Professional Card for “Transaction, Gestion Immobilière et syndic” (Transaction, Property Management and Managing Agent), number CPI14012021000000026 issued by the CCI of Caen, covered by the Financial Guarantee and Professional Public Liability Insurance provided by CAMCA: 53 rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS.

Crédit Agricole Britline is controlled by L'Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution: 4 Place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09 - FRANCE.
For UK based customers : CA Britline is deemed authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The nature and extent of consumer protections may differ from those for firms based in the UK. Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website.

An extract of the General Banking Conditions can be consulted on this site.

Publishing director

Pascal DELHEURE, General director

Editorial manager

Alexandre MARRET, Marketing director


Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform
83, Boulevard des Chênes
78280 Guyancourt, Île-de-France, FR
01 57 72 71 01

E-mails :



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Terms & conditions

Article 1 - General provisions:

The present contract defines the terms and conditions under which the Crédit Agricole Normandie provides an on-line banking service for its clients via its web-site, in addition to the service offered at a branch level. The present contract constitutes a supplement to any contract governing the accounts or products concerned, without modifying their own specific conditions. Conversely, it sets out new means of proof, overriding any specifications drawn up prior to these, that might differ. At the end of the present contract, by clicking on " valider" ( confirm ), the client acknowledges having been informed of the Internet on-line banking service terms of use. By using the service, he acknowledges accepting the terms of use and authentication.

Article 2 - Access to the service - personal security numbers:

In order to be able to access banking transactions on-line, the client receives a personal security number. He may change this number at any moment and is invited to do so frequently for security reasons. The Client undertakes to keep his Internet access security numbers strictly confidential, refraining from communicating them to anybody, for whatever reason. The Client bears all the consequences, direct or indirect, that result from the use of the Internet access security numbers by third parties, as well as the consequences of imprecise or incoherent orders. In the event of the client forgetting or losing his pin number, he may request a new one from his branch ( or by telephoning the "numéro vert" ( Freefone number, if in France ) quoted on the web-site. The access security number is separate from the electronic signature ; the two must not be mixed up.

Article 3 - Access by authorised signatories:

For security reasons, only signatories who are themselves, in a personal capacity, Crédit Agricole Normandie account holders may carry out on-line transactions on accounts upon which they are authorized to sign. In this case the signatory uses the security number allocated to him in his capacity as client, yet the account holder remains responsible for the transactions carried out by his signatory.

Article 4 - Specific authorisations:

Access to certain transactions, for instance the Stock Exchange option, or when the maximum amount authorised for on-line transactions is attained, may, if the need arises, require to be authorised specifically by the branch where the Client's account is held. The " Famille Module" option : in order to be able to benefit from this option, the Client must be either the holder or the signatory on all the accounts listed.

Article 5 - Security of instructions given on-line:

Information exchanged whilst on the on-line banking Internet pages of the Crédit Agricole Normandie site is secured by an SSL cryptography protocol. The security of the web-site is more fully explained under the heading "Confidentiality Charter," which may be accessed on-line at the bottom of each page. The Client is invited to become acquainted with the assistance on offer under the different headings, and to follow scrupulously the instructions given on each transaction. When giving an instruction on the secure pages, the client is invited to click a first time to give the order, and a second time to confirm or cancel it. On confirming, he acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the consequences of the instruction given. When the client has finished his on-line transactions, he is invited, as a security measure, to click on the option "déconnexion," located in the left hand margin of the page.

Article 6 - Electronic mail:

As the integrity and the confidentiality of e-mails cannot be guaranteed to date, the Crédit Agricole Normandie is not obliged to fulfil orders transmitted by e-mail. For the very same reasons, the client should never communicate personal and confidential information by e-mail ( account number, card number, address...).

Article 7 - Authentification of orders:

Once the client has been identified according to the above-mentioned methods, any questions asked, or instructions carried out or given, are reputed to have been issued by the client himself, whatever the origin. Computer recordings or their copying, computerised or onto paper, shall be deemed authentic between the parties. In the event of an inconsistency arising between a computer recording and a possible written confirmation transmitted subsequently on paper, the computer recording will prevail.

Article 8 - Authentification of information - Statements:

Within the context of the on-line banking services, the customer may obviously access his bank statements. Any information gathered by the client and (on his initiative) when consulting his accounts on-line remains on an informative basis, including "warnings". The account statements that are communicated periodically by the Bank to the client shall continue to constitute the proof of entries on the account, and the starting date from which complaints may be made.

Article 9 - Unavailability of the service:

In the event of the on-line banking service being unavailable on the Internet, the client may always contact his branch in order to carry out his transactions ( or another branch within the Crédit Agricole Normandie ). Moreover, the client may also access all the other Crédit Agricole Normandie on-line banking services ( via Minitel 3615, Filvert....). When the client intends to contact the call centre, the rules concerning use and authentification, which shall govern orders given thus, are hereby evoked : the client communicates his surname, first names and his account number to an employee of the bank at the call centre; he may also be requested to answer one or several undefined questions relating to his particulars or banking situation ( identification check). Orders given over the telephone shall be recorded by the Caisse Régionale and shall be conserved for between 6 months and 5 years. Telephone recordings shall be deemed authentic between both parties. In the event of a discrepancy arising between a telephone recording and a possible, written confirmation subsequently transmitted, the recording shall prevail.

Article 10 - Period for complaint:

Complaints may be made according to a certain timescale, provided for in the contracts concerning bank accounts, share accounts and any other products. In particular, it is stated that the period for complaint on Stock Market orders is of 3 trading days (on the Stock Exchange ), after receipt of the advice of purchase or sale. As far as transactions on a current account are concerned, the period for complaint is of one month, as from the client receiving the periodic account statement transmitted by the bank. If no complaint is made within the time allowed, the entries shall be reputed approved by the client.

Article 11 - Fees and charges for the services:

The Internet connection fee is borne by the client, as invoiced by his own telecommunications operator. Regarding the on-line services offered by the bank, the fee for any possible, specific subscription requested from a branch and the periodicity of its payment, are specified in the "Banking Terms and Conditions" and available on-line and in branches. Furthermore, on-line banking and Stock Market transactions are subject, too, to their own specific invoicing. The fees and charges applied by the bank may vary ; the client shall be informed beforehand, by any means. The fact that the Client uses the services implies that he accepts the terms and conditions, and the specific terms on access, use, fees and charges. The client authorises the bank to carry out any direct debits required for the payment of these fees from his account.

Article 12 - Duration of the contract:

The present contract is concluded for an unspecified length of time. As the client may carry out his transactions in a branch, he may at any moment cease to use the Internet on-line banking service without advance warning. The bank may terminate the present contract by giving 8 days' notice. The bank may, however, stop the service both immediately and without advance notice, should the authorised maximum amounts be exceeded, should the personal security access numbers no longer be confidential, or in more general terms, should the client fail to respect the present contract, any other contract or regulations governing accounts, products or banking services.

Article 13 - Amendments to the contract:

The current version of the contract on using the Internet banking service may be consulted on-line at any moment. The client may gain access to it by clicking on the heading : "conditions d'utilisation" ( terms of use) at the bottom of the page. Should the present contract be amended, the new version shall be presented automatically to the client, so that he may decide, with full knowledge of the facts, whether to continue using the service under the new terms.

Article 14 - Applicable law:

The present contract is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of competent jurisdiction shall be those of the Bank's registered office.

"I have read the whole of the terms of use relating to the Internet on-line banking service. I acknowledge that using the on-line banking service implies that I accept the terms of use".

Address of the MEDIATOR : Médiateur du Crédit Agricole Normandie - BP 411 - 50303 SAINT MARTIN DES CHAMPS CEDEX


The Deposit Guarantee Fund and Resolution

To see more information regarding the Deposit Guarantee Fund, please click here.


Current account agreement for personal customers

To see complete agreement, please click here.


PSD2 : English translation for information

To see the document, please click here.
More information on the strong customer authentication.


Bank card contract

To see the document, please click here.



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