Lost or stolen chequebook

In the event of the loss or theft of your cheque book, please contact us to request for a stop to be placed on the cheques concerned. You must confirm the details of all cheques which need to be stopped.


We will ask you to sign and return a form entitled “OPPOSITION AU PAIEMENT DE CHEQUE(S)”.  Failure to return the signed document within 10 days will result in the stop being lifted. 

In the case of theft, please note that we also require a police report.



A stop can only be requested for loss, theft, fraudulent use or bankruptcy of the holder. 

Falsely stopping a cheque(s) or chequebook can lead to:

  • Legal sanctions, including imprisonment of up to 5 years and/or a fine of up to 375,000€.
  • Court-ordered removal of the stop, with the bank then being legally obliged to pay the cheque in question.

*Local costs apply when phoning within France from a landline. Check with your service provider when calling from abroad.