Plan d’Epargne en Actions (PEA)
A dynamic, medium or long-term savings plan. Invest in French or European shares in a tax efficient way.
« PEA » in detail
Fiscal residents in France only
Minimum: 15€
Maximum: 150,000€
Invest at your own pace
Exoneration of tax on gains after 5 years
Frequently asked questions
Share investments historically offer you the greatest potential in terms of return over the long term (minimum 5 years) on the condition that you accept to take a certain level of risk linked to the fluctuations in the markets. The PEA allows you to invest in French and European companies either directly or via mutual funds and after holding the PEA for only 5 years you benefit from the exoneration of tax(1) on gains made. So the sooner you open your PEA, the sooner you benefit from tax advantages!
(1) Excluding social charges of 17.2.% and under the conditions of tax regulations applicable at 01/01/2020.
With the share savings plan (PEA) you can invest from 15€ to 150, 000€ on the stock market in France and in Europe via shares held directly or via mutual funds. From 5 years after opening your PEA, you benefit from the exoneration of tax(1) on gains made. You can make partial withdrawals without automatically closing the account or recuperate all of your capital by closing your plan. You can also opt for withdrawals under the form of a life annuity payment that is not taxed. The PEA does not have a maximum term; keep it for as long as you wish and continue to benefit from the exoneration from tax(1) from any gains you make. If a withdrawal is made within the first 5 years, this usually results in closure of the account. (1) Excluding social charges of 17.2.% and under the conditions of tax regulations applicable at 01/01/2020.
For most of us it’s important to plan ahead and to save for future projects. With the PEA you choose how you wish to invest for your future:
Programmed regular investments or one off deposits.
Crédit Agricole has also created the "Investstore", a service online that enables you to follow and manage your investment portfolio online at any time of the day.
Multi-support group Assurance-Vie contracts, which present a risk of capital loss, are insured by Prédica, a company governed by the French Insurance Code. The terms of the contracts are included in the information memo. The key information document and information on the investment options are available on the website http://www.predica.com/priips/credit-agricole. You have a legal period of withdrawal of 30 calendar days as of the effective date of establishment of your contract.
French residents : 2013 tax legislation for French residents.
The 2013 tax legislation states that savings products with fixed revenues will have the same rate of tax applied as your income tax rates. Effective from the 01/01/2013, an advance will be deducted at source from the interest earned and will then be taken into account when calculating your tax liability for the year in which you received the interest.